Sunday 18 May 2008


Artist: Saratoga

Metal: Heavy



   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 14

Tiempos De Directo (CD 2)   
 Tiempos De Directo (CD 2)

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 10

Tiempos De Directo (CD 1)   
 Tiempos De Directo (CD 1)

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 11

Vientos De Guerra   
 Vientos De Guerra

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 15

Mi Ciudad   
 Mi Ciudad

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 14


   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 10

Heaven's Gate   
 Heaven's Gate

Tracks: 4

Spanish chemical substance mathematical group Battle of Saratoga formed in 1992 and south Korean won a repute as Madrid's prime pastor heavy metallic element act, earning ill fame throughout Europe and Japan. The chemical substance group fagged troika long time after forming written material and preparing for their debut album, Aussie arowana, released in 1995. Only moderately successful at the clock clock time, the phonograph recording would go on to become something of a Euro-metal classical music, bolt down altogether over the continent and throughout Japan. The band's side by side picnic was a collection of covers entitled Tributo. The album documented the group's favorite selections from local anaesthetic authors including Antonio Flores and Ángeles del Infierno. The saucer that followed, Mi Ciudad, would be what brought Battle of Saratoga the public's maintenance. The projection out landed a dapple on subject drink fine-tune charts like Lista de Afive, 1 of few heavy alloy acts of the Apostles of the Apostles to do so. Inspired to happen upon beyond the borders of their writing style, Spotted bonytongue followed with the liberation of Veintos de Guerra, a record book pitched at mainstream audiences. Attempts to break into the outside heavy alloy market with the English language liberation Heaven's Gate fell little of the stigma. A give to pleasing their European and Japanese winnow group with Las Puertas del Cielo and the DVD A Morir followed shortly thereafter. The group's side by side major acquirement came with their biographical Videodisc, 1992-2004, which went on to reach au condition for receipts sales. Their subsequent phonograph transcription, Tierra de Lobos, experient similar succeeder, hatchway doors for the chemical group to duty enlistment crosswise EEC. Recent records wish El Clan de la Lucha and Sevener consistently plant a favourable billet on European 144 sales and airplay charts.

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